Bolster the quality of life in the Latino community

Ceiba - LEDC partners are:

Engaging youth in extensive violence prevention programs.

Participating in Nonpartisan Latino Voter Engagement Projects.

Using the arts as tools for healing and social change


The largest health barrier faced by Latinos is access to care. Acculturation, language barriers immigration status, higher unemployment rates, and lack of insurance coverage prevent many Latinos from seeking medical care.

  • Latinos were more likely than white Philadelphians to indicate that gun violence had a major negative impact on their neighborhood.

  • Latino artists need support to meet the fast-moving pace of technology in the arts and gentrification in our neighborhoods.


Promote art activities in the Barrio to increase connections with other communities in Philadelphia.

  • Nurture creative economies and cultural entrepreneurship.

  • Leverage political transitions: Governor, Mayor, State House, City Council, US Senator.

    • Ensure Latino representation at every level of government.